25 January 2011


Patola or loofah gourd is one of the first few vegetables I've grown to like during my teen years. Admittedly, I hate eating veggies when I was a kid, especially those leafy green ones. Back then they all tasted the same to me -like grass. Food just for goats, I would say. But over time I overcame my dislike  for this food group and realized what I've been missing on. I like my vegetables sauteed, roasted, grilled or raw but I like veggies  most in my soups. After giving birth to my eldest vegetable soups constituted most of my diet and it did help in losing those extra pounds. Vegetable soups are filling enough as a meal that one can do without the rice.

What's In It:
1 big piece of patola, peeled and sliced
1 lb. shrimp
2 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced
1/2 onion, sliced
1 tomato, sliced
1-2 tbsp. patis (fish sauce)
1 small pack of misua (thin rice noodles)
4-5 c. water
salt and pepper 

How It's Done:
1. Saute garlic and onion in a bit of oil until fragrant.
2. Add in the tomatoes saute  until limp.
3. Put in the shrimp and patola. Pour in patis and saute until shrimp changes color.
4. Add in the water. When it starts to boil add in the misua.
5. Simmer for 2 more minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
6. Serve hot as is or with rice.

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